Men's 10mm Bracelets
Men's 10mm Bracelets
Choose between 10mm matte Onyx, Tiger Eye, Dumortierite, and African Turquoise. Each bracelet is a standard Men’s large 8” size. Additional sizes can be made upon request, Just email with your order number and sizing request.
• African Turquoise is considered the "stone of evolution". It is said to bring about great change and transformation within life. Its encouraging energy opens minds to the possibility of newness. It provides the balance and confidence necessary to further the process of self-development. It will renew your spirit, energy, and path in life. Carry it with you, and you will feel reassurance as you meet new possibilities.
• Dumortierite is an excellent stone for those who feel scattered or unfocused. It encourages patience with the natural order of the universe. It promotes mental clarity and inner peace.
• Onyx offers strength to let go of the past and live in the present. It enhances endurance and persistence to achieve goals. It shields the mind from negativity.
• Tiger's eye is said to ignite courage, focus, and perseverance. It is a powerful stone that is said to aid in the release of fear & anxiety. It stimulates taking action and helps decision-making, while remaining unclouded by your emotions. It inspires to reach one’s full potential.