Just how powerful can a day be?
On average, a human life span is 27,375 days long. Along the way, there are bound to be some boring days. And there will certainly be plenty of “pretty normal” days.
But every once in a while, if we’re lucky, along will come a day that is truly spectacular. A day that presents you with eye-opening experiences, exciting new awareness and relationships, and more than your fair share of fun.
SHIFT Charlotte was created to be one of those special days in your life. In fact, SHIFT Charlotte is:
- A day for people interested in dialing the richness of their existence;
- A day for people desiring a life that is conscious and mindful, healthy and happy, authentic and empowered;
- A day for people brave enough to harness the collective power of our city’s visionary speakers, teachers, healers, readers and practitioners toward improving their own body, mind and spirit;
- A day for people who get lit up by the excitement and deep value of an immersive day-long experience, exploring life-changing holistic, alternative and integrative practices;
- A day for people who enjoy making new like-minded friends that share your same values, aspire to your same ideals, and call your same city “home.”